Marianne Klopp is an award winning Master Potter. From a classical pottery education she is interested in going back to the ‘roots’ of ceramic making, with hand built work, painted with slips, polished and fired in a pit.
Marianne was born near Frankfurt in Germany. She worked as an apprentice for 3years with Maria Phillippi in Freiburg, Germany and studied Ceramic Design at the Fachhochschule Fuer Keramik Gestaltung, Hoehr Grnzhausen. After many years working in different studios in Germany; she opened her own studio in Berlin (1980-1990). During this time she took part in many exhibitions in Germany, Denmark, France and Japan. Marianne is an award winning Master Potter. In 1990 she moved to Ireland and opened a studio in Dublin. In 2003 she moved to West Cork and opened her studio in Ardgroom, Beara. Since then she began to experiment with pit fired ceramics. From a classical pottery education she is interested in going back to the ‘roots’ of ceramic making, with hand built work, painted with slips, polished and fired in a pit